Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Technology: Science
For our last technology rotation group K was in science. Over the weeks we have done lots of experiments. My favorite one of the experiments was were we did the mentos and coke experiment. I also liked making the color changing bracelets. My bracelet was completely blue even the color changing beads were blue. They were blue because blue is my favorite color. In science our teacher was Miss Hawtin.
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Year Seven Virtual Tour
This is a virtual tour that Amanda, Karmi, Teva, Anna, Rida and I made for the year sevens next year. It shows the year sevens around our school and some important rules that we have so that they can follow them and stay safe without getting in trouble by the teachers.
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
For P.E we have been doing rotations of T-ball, padder tennis, gutter board and non-stop cricket.
I have learn't a lot more skills for those sports. These are pictures of Sam, Jamie an Jesse playing padder tennis.
I have learn't a lot more skills for those sports. These are pictures of Sam, Jamie an Jesse playing padder tennis.
Friday, 28 November 2014
Sustainability Art
Asher and I are making a recycled horse for art we made an I movie to show how it is going. In one of the slides it says protect and creators...but it is meant to say project and creators just a minor spelling error!
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Narrative Writing
This term we have been focusing narrative writing. Today we got told to make a six sentence story. For the first sentence we had to introduce the character. In the second sentence we had to explain where and how they live. The third sentence was where we had to describe what talent they had and how they were better than everyone else. For the fourth sentence we had to introduce a problem to the story. In the fifth sentence we had to figure out a solution to the problem. The Sixth sentence was where we had to solve the problem and then have a happy ending. This is my story it is about a guinea pig called Pipsqueak.
Once upon a time there was a guinea pig named Pipsqueak who was always doing something outdoors weather it was going on adventures or just doing something like gardening.
She lived in an amazing old brick castle in the highlands of Scotland where the grass was green and and the forests were huge big enough for her to go on week long adventures.
Pipsqueak could get out of any situation whether it was escaping deadly animals or getting out of sticky mud pools she was the best as what she did and there was no one better than her.
Poor poor Pipsqueak after all her adventuring she had completely forgotten about all her family and friends because she was always on a deadly adventure she was never there when her family and friends visited her.
Pipsqueak was very sad and she couldn't imagine what her family was feeling she decided she would try her hardest to get back together with her family because she had been gone for so long she forgot if she had any siblings or not.
As soon as Pipsqueak got back to her castle she called her parents and family right away she thought that it was excellent timing that she was back on Christmas eve because the next day all her friends and family all met back up for a wonderful Christmas day.
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Maths Reading Visualisation
In reading have been working on our comprehension strategies. Last week we focused on visualisation - they way we can create mental images when we read to deepen our understanding of the text. We read a short passage that explained how to measure a very tall object without having to climb it and we visualise how we would do this.
Yesterday we went out and put this knowledge into practice. My buddy Karmi and I measured one of the poles on the playground. Using the method we measured 3.49 meters. The actual height was 4.27 meters.
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Pressures On The Earth
Yesterday our class did a balloon experiment Miss Kay asked us some questions and depending what the question was we would let some air out or put some in. My earth popped before we even started - the balloons didn't like me! When we put air into our balloons it means we weren't helping the earth and when we took air out we were helping the earth.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
For reading we have been looking at newspapers one of the things we have to do was look for a comic and then create one this is my one.
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
'The Giver' - Reflection
What kind of suffering is worse in The Giver - physical or emotional?
I think that emotional suffering is worse because they didn't have feelings unless you were the Giver or the Receiver because it would all be new to you would find out the emotion sadness. Then when bad things happened you would know what sad felt like so you would feel sad and people wouldn't want to be your friend cause you would be sad. They wouldn't want to be your friend because you would be acting weird.

I think that emotional suffering is worse because they didn't have feelings unless you were the Giver or the Receiver because it would all be new to you would find out the emotion sadness. Then when bad things happened you would know what sad felt like so you would feel sad and people wouldn't want to be your friend cause you would be sad. They wouldn't want to be your friend because you would be acting weird.
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Speeches: Tongue Twisters
We have been learning about Speeches and Debates. Here is a chatter pix of me saying Red lorry Yellow lorry Red lorry Yellow lorry 5 times.
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Hawkes Bay BandQuest
Barney, Lachlan, Noah, Max and I entered the BandQuest competition on Thursday 4th September. The competition started at 2pm. My band Sound City (the Y7 Rock Band) left Havelock North Intermediate and were on our way to the Napier Municipal Theatre. Once the whole band got there we sat in the auditorium and then Jimmy (the MC) called us up band-by-band to go backstage, get the guitars tuned and wait to be called on stage. When it was our turn I was actually quite nervous, even though it was only the sound check. I knew I would be singing to many more people when it was our time to perform! At four thirty all the bands got a one and a half hour break for dinner. At 6pm we were back at the auditorium with one hour until the show started. The show nerves disappeared as soon as I sung the first words of our song. After we had finished we walked off stage and we all said to each other, "THAT WAS AWESOME!!!" After watching all the bands we were all nervous. Then the prize giving came...I was so excited when my song was awarded best original song lyrics prize! What a fun, new experience. Here are the lyrics:
'Meant To Be'
Verse 1
Verse 1
I can see you every day
Out of the corner of my eye
I like to hang around you but you try to stay away from me
You love maths
You’re funny
You’re strong and you are fast
It’s almost like we were meant to be
Were meant to be
Verse 2
As soon as I saw you I knew that I had seen you before were meant to be, yea you and me. All of this time I knew
You love maths
You’re funny
You’re strong and you are fast
It’s almost like we were meant to be
Were meant to be
You love maths
You’re funny
You’re strong and you are fast
It’s almost like we were meant to be
Were meant to be
Repeat Chorus
By Paige B
Electronics: Soldering
Today we had soldering practice. It was my first time ever soldering I found it quite easy but tricky at the same time. We had a piece of cardboard with two pieces of copper tape
My Dance Elective
For dance we had finished our dance of Friday. I was in the 90s dance group. It was fun when we were filming because half way through the dance I fell off the stage, but I got up and kept going. For our costume my dance group wore Canterbury track pants but for our shirts we all wore something different. The shirt that I was wearing was a baggy red sweatshirt. I thought that dance was lots of fun.
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Persuasive Writing
The Intermediate School Day Should Finish At 5pm
School, a place where kids come to learn. For intermediate students it is normally 8:35 in the morning till 3:00 in the afternoon. The intermediate school day should be changed finish at 5:00pm.
If intermediate finished at 5pm you would have lots more time in each period For example if you were learning algebra in maths you cover most of the subject because you would of had a lot more time for it and you can tackle all the tough questions and problems.That means you would be smarter. Your grades would be a lot higher because you would have learnt a lot more.
Another good reason is because you wouldn't have so much time on video games. That is good because of course everyone knows that they all ruin your little minds. Those video games involve punching and kicking what if kids brought all that to school, they would get in fights and it would give schools bad looks.
Did you ever think about what would happen on later on in life? Of course they would succeed because they would be smarter which means they would get better and more money earning jobs. They would be better at things that now our days adults wouldn't even know.
What a time saver for teachers there would be no homework. One reason why there would be no homework is because you would have done it all through the day. Which is great for all those teacher around the world because they wouldn’t have to take all their time after school to set out homework.
That is why it is a great idea to stretch out when school finishes to 5:00 in the evening. Learning more, no as much time on video games, succeed later on in life and NO HOMEWORK. Those are all great reasons to stretch the school day.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
PE: Social Dance
The dances we have learnt for social dance are.1.Gay Gordons 2. Coconut Cream 3. Red Hot 4. Sha La La La La 5. Maxina 6. Sea Cruise 7. Bus stop. I find social dancing really fun, except for the first time when there weren't enough boys! My favorite dance is the Gay Gordons because you switch partners instead of staying with one.
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Keith Haring Art
This is my art that I did inspired by Keith haring. We used a Chatter pix to say what Keith Haring did and who he was.
Monday, 25 August 2014
Exploring Parliament
In room 12B we have been learning about Parliament. One of the things we learnt was who our Governor General is - his name is Sir Jerry Mateparare .
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Thursday, 7 August 2014
Maths: Algebra
For maths we were learning about algebra. Today we got to play battleships so that we could test our coordinate skills. The way I find out how to find a coordinates you go along the ground before going up the tree. So A=(4,8) means you find 4 on the x axis and then where that meets 8 on the y axis. In my first game of battleships I had won.
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
PE:Cross Country Training
This is a table of how I have been doing in cross country training. I am very proud of my times.
DATE | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 |
3 Field Laps | Guthrie / Brookvale / Woodlands | Guthrie / Brookvale / Russell Robertson / Croft | Full Cross Country Course | |
23/6/14 | 9:35 | |||
26/6/14 | Masterton | |||
27/6/14 | Masterton | |||
30/6/14 | 11:34 | |||
1/7/14 | 19:31 | |||
2/714 | Injured | |||
21/7/14 | 10:52 | |||
28/7/14 | 23:33 | |||
29/7/14 | 22:38 | |||
30/7/14 | 29:00:00 |
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Change Makers - Term 3 Inquiry
This term we are focusing on people who have made a positive difference to the world (or their part of it)
Who can we identify as change makers?
- Martin luther king,
- Kate Sheppard,
- George Nepia,
- Sir Edmund Hillary,
- Barack Obama,
- Beatles,
- Albert Einstein,
- Anne Frank
- Sanel Van Der Merwe,
- David Beckham,
- Nelson Mandela ,
- William ShakesPeare,
- Jesus Christ,
- Thomas Jefferson
- Thomas Edison
What motivates change makers?
Seeing people suffer
Wanting to make a difference in the world
What might change makers do to motivate others?
To tell them to do what they are passionate about
Show responsibility
What actions+decisions do they take?
They take big risks to change things.
Friday, 4 July 2014
Inquiry Reflection
Three things that I have learnt about diabetes is that if a diabetic has done some thing that reacts to their diabetes it can be life threatening, that you can't cure diabetes but you can manage it by exercise, healthy diets, tablet medication and for some insulin and I have also learnt that my Mum knows lots about diabetes.
Two interesting things about diabetes are it infects the pancreas and that diabetes involves glucose (sugar).
One question I still have: how does it challenge the human machine?.
Two interesting things about diabetes are it infects the pancreas and that diabetes involves glucose (sugar).
One question I still have: how does it challenge the human machine?.
Thursday, 3 July 2014
Masterton Sports Exchange
Heart pounding, feet burning and deep breathing those are just some of the things that I was feeling and doing while I was in Masterton for a sports exchange with Masterton Intermediate. In week 8 I went to Masterton to play soccer and do cross country against their school along with some other students from H.N.I playing lots of other enjoyable sports. Over 2 exciting days and 1 extraordinary night our school won and lost lots of different sports, but in the end Masterton won 6 and we won ...12. So we ended up taking the cup home again...but we also won another cup - the staff cup! All the staff that were there from both schools went head to head in a bowling competition and again we took that cup as well.
Electives Term Two:Dance
For electives this term I did dance.
We are learning a dance to "Back
Street's Back" by the Backstreet Boys.
This is me doing one of the moves
to the dance.
We are learning a dance to "Back
Street's Back" by the Backstreet Boys.
This is me doing one of the moves
to the dance.
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
My Ode to My Brain
Oh brain Oh brain
I show no shame
because you are the reason
I’m smart every season
You are big pink and squishy
just sitting in my head
just be glad you’re not by my tushy
as so it has been said
I am good at maths
all thanks to you
it is my favorite subject
hope its yours to
Oh brain Oh brain
Explanation Writing: The Digestive System
The Digestive System.
Have you ever wondered where your food goes? Your chewed up food goes through the digestive system. The digestive system is made up of lots of body organs. There is the esophagus, the liver, the stomach, the pancreas, the large intestine, the small intestine and a few others.
As soon as the food you are eating goes into your mouth your saliva dissolves the food so it it soft. Your saliva forms when you are looking at food. The tongue pushes food down your throat called bolus. The food goes down the esophagus. The esophagus is 25cm long.
After the food has gone down the esophagus it goes into the stomach. Your stomach is the shape of a j. Your stomach stores all the food that you eat. Inside the stomach acids and enzymes break it down into liquid.
Your liver is up in your abdomen. It is an important part of the digestive system. The liver is the largest solid organ in the human body. Three of the big jobs it does are cleans your blood, It produces an important digestive liquid called bile and It stores energy in the form of a sugar called glycogen. All the waste that your body doesn’t need gets carried into the intestine and out of your body when you poop. Other waste processed by the liver goes through your blood to your kidneys and out in your pee.'
Your liver is up in your abdomen. It is an important part of the digestive system. The liver is the largest solid organ in the human body. Three of the big jobs it does are cleans your blood, It produces an important digestive liquid called bile and It stores energy in the form of a sugar called glycogen. All the waste that your body doesn’t need gets carried into the intestine and out of your body when you poop. Other waste processed by the liver goes through your blood to your kidneys and out in your pee.'
So now you know where your food goes once you have eaten it. When someone asks you where your food has gone you can tell them, it goes through your digestive system.
Friday, 13 June 2014
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Thursday, 8 May 2014
My Hauora
On Wednesday we were learning how to live a healthy life.
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
My Highlights @ HNI T1 2014
Highlights so far this year
The subject area/s I am most proud of:
I am proud of how well I did at P.E when we did softball.
I am proud of how well I did technology with getting 8 gold points.
Something I am really glad about:
I am really glad that I got 8 gold points at film and media for tech
Something I used to struggle with but I am feeling better about:
I used to struggle to complete homework but now I feel that it is easier because I like the homework we do in this class.
Something I have worked very hard at:
Something that I have worked very hard at is getting lots of gold points
Something new I have learned or experienced for the first time:
How to play softball for the first time
What’s next?
Something I am wondering about:
When is the social?
Is maths is going to get harder in class?
Something I’d like you to know I struggle with:
Finding something that I struggle with.
What I need to be better at:
Remembering to bring gear or other items for things we are doing throughout the week.
Something I’d really like to learn or experience that we haven’t done yet:
Camp or some sort of trip somewhere to learn more about nature and native animals.
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