Wednesday 23 July 2014

Change Makers - Term 3 Inquiry

This term we are focusing on people who have made a positive difference to the world (or their part of it)

Who can we identify as change makers?
  • Martin luther king,
  • Kate Sheppard,
  • George Nepia,
  • Sir Edmund Hillary,
  • Barack Obama,
  • Beatles,
  • Albert Einstein,
  • Anne Frank
  • Sanel Van Der Merwe,
  • David Beckham,
  • Nelson Mandela ,
  • William ShakesPeare,
  • Jesus Christ,
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Thomas Edison

What motivates change makers?
Seeing people suffer
Wanting to make a difference in the world

What might change makers do to motivate others?
To tell them to do what they are passionate about
Show responsibility

What actions+decisions do they take?

They take big risks to change things.

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